Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I've waited so long to use that as a title post. 

Now, for the down-low:
I made it to Riva all in one piece, and feeling good to be here.
I only once was offered chocolate by a strange man in the Geneva airport.
(I'm so travel-savvy I said no)
I was the second student (of about 50 total that are living in Riva) to arrive at the Villa, and I just want to say, that I want to live in a large, old villa somewhere with maybe three other people total. Because it was so peaceful. I read out in the garden a little bit, and then walked the grounds, and I met a lot of the other students as they arrived, so I know a lot of the people that are here, even the business students!

So let me tell you a little bit about the program: there are 32 business students and 15 architecture students. Everyone always says it's a little segregated; that the architecture students don't really talk to the business students.
This distresses me a little bit. I'd like to know the people who are worth knowing!
I guess however it shakes down though, will be fine. I mean, we spend time together because we take our classes together (which start TOMORROW!) so of course, that's who we would know. 
Also, our schedule is a lot more firm then theirs is: we have specific things we do and places we do- theirs has a little more freedom and choice to it. 
So when they are doing one thing: we are doing another. Doesn't allow for much mixing, eh?

Other than that, the Villa is gorgeous! I love living in a 200+ year old house!! (just the front DOORS are 200 years old!)
I will post a few pictures with each post in a little while, I just have to take them first!
Also, throughout the semester, I may put up some sketches or project work that I'm doing so you can get a feel for it all. 

A little logistics + housekeeping:
If you would like my address here in Riva, or any information such as public phone numbers (and you actually know me aka family and friends) give me a quick email and I will send it to you. You should be able to find it through the blog, but if not- just post me your email address and I will shoot you all of that info back!

So for now, Arrivederci! 

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