Monday, August 17, 2009

Airport Security

So the first leg of the journey is coming to a close!
Just one more flight until I'm in switzerland and approximately 5 minutes from Riva San Vitale. 

Dulles was easy as pie-- that's my home turf and I knew where I was going. It also helped that I happened to be on the same flight as a fellow classmate headed to Riva! Though we split up in London Heathrow, it was reassuring to have someone to help me through the first connection. 
I'm not going to lie, I'm one ball of stress doing this alone, and by the end of it my shoulders are going to give me hell. 
I think I've been lucky enough to get through unscathed. Though with one more flight to go, I probably shouldn't speak so soon!

Geneva was a little confusing, as I didn't have a boarding pass yet and had to find my way through the airport to the check-in. (It's ok, I had a good 5 hours to do it, and I've still got about 4 left!)
Really glad that I took so many years of French in High School, because while everyone in Geneva seems to speak english, French is their first language, so they always start talking in rapid French. 
La Bas, s'il vous plait, La Bas!

So I'm trying not to look the dumb American, but if the shoe fits....
Just Kidding. 

Well, my pre-paid, outrageously overpriced internet is drawing to an end, so I'll leave you with only one observation from my journey thus far: The Alps look pretty damn cool from here.

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