Sunday, August 16, 2009

OK- and GO!

It's finally here!!

I am about to leave the U.S. in approximately 7 hours. 2 of which will be spent in going to the airport, 3 of which will be spent at the airport, and the other two will be spent waiting and waiting and then some more waiting. 
Don't worry, I've got a couple books. 

I have to admit, I wasn't nervous until last night- when I suffered a "holyshitIleavetomorrowandIhaven'tdoneanyhtingyet" 

I got home from my cousin's wedding late last night. You know, partying with the family. (it was crazy-awesome btw.) Realized a couple things: 1. my luggage was still 10 pounds overweight (what? I absolutely needed 22 pairs of socks)  2. I still had some portfolio work to do (because let's face it, I have a life)
What did I do when I got home? Sleep.

So this morning, my dad woke me up at 8 (by request) and made me an egg sandwich. He told me to breathe, and then I began. 

I'm packed. 47lbs, ohhhh yea, kool-aid style. 

So here's the skinny: tonight I'll be flying into Heathrow (I see London... you're right, no need to continue that one)
By ten AM tomorrow morning I will be there, and then proceed to Geneva, Switzerland, where I will await my shuttle to Lugano, I'll crash at the hostel, full of jet lag I'm sure, and then proceed to Riva San Vitale at any time over the course of the morning. 

Those are the plans. I will let everyone know how they work out...

So Ciao all of my beautiful friends, family, and fellow explorers!! Wish me luck, speedy flights, in tact luggage, and fortune!!

Until next time!!

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