It's been ridiculously hot here for the Ticino, so on Wednesday, we all went to the Leito (beach in Italian) to cool off. I think the whole town was there!
We mostly kept to ourselves, though I know that once I know more than 5 words in Italian, I'll feel better about going up to them.
I only know one whole sentence, and that is: Vorrei uno bicchiere di vino bianco, or, "I would like a glass of white wine."
I know, just the important stuff, right?
We started classes yesterday though, and we'll spend an hour sketching each day. I think there's a sort of theme here, where we do each project twice. That means every sketch twice, every project twice. I think it must be about the process.
There is an elementary school by Galfetti about 50 Meters from the Villa, and we've been sketching that for the last two days (including this morning) though we've been assigned a block of Riva San Vitale per person, and we'll sketch that block the whole semester. My block happens to include the Temple di Santa Croce (my Italian is atrocious, I'm sure), which I'm ecstatic about sketching- it'll be hard to do well, so I'm really glad I've got a whole semester to sketch it!

I love living in the villa so far, though I keep on sleeping through my alarm, because at 7 o'clock AM, the bells at the church ring for mass. It is so intensly loud, that I can't help but sleep through my alarm that goes off at 7:45. Luckily enough, the bells ring again at 8:15.
It's my own personal alarm and snooze, I suppose.
So we've established that the Ticino is beautiful... but it's incredibly surreal to wake up to a view like this!
It's impressive to say the least, and from my studio desk, the dome and tower of the Sante Croce are just visible over the classic, tiled roofs of the Ticino.
All of this, painted against the Alps, stretching off into the sky.
Like, I said...It's kinda pretty here.
Tonight we are going to Lugano, which is a little north of Riva. There's a film festival, and I'm assuming this means, wine, music, and nice weather. So I hope that I'm right about it.
So for now, I'll bid you adieu, because I need to be at the train station at 7:40
1 comment:
omg! i can't wait until u can actually show me the view from the comp room! i almost want to stay up a little later to see if u'll be on skype, but phoebe and i have a date at noon to head to shortpump (yes, i need 11 hrs of sleep)! :-P
glad everything is great! still miss u a lot and love u, too!
bye, b
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