Update time! We just got an email from the professor doing the trip- and it's pretty long winded. Apparently I'm going to be doing some research!
We've each been assigned a series of cities, firms, and 'publications' to research before we go- we're going to google map the locations and buildings that are in and around Italy and Switzerland, and try to go to as many as we can while we're there. When we're actually in Switzerland- before we go on these trips- we'll do an informal presentation to the group- I guess as a sort of precursor to the place. Wow- we're designing our own trip!!
The real meeting is next week- during the first week of classes- eek! So we'll see if I can juggle my whole entire life delicately enough that I can make all of my various meetings, classes, and work schedule. (if anybody out there prays-- give the big guy a little elbow nudge + eyebrow wiggle for me... it's going to be a long semester.)
If you were wondering, curious, or just want to check out some great architecture, these are the cities, firms and buildings that I'm supposed to check out:
1. Chinquiterra (that's the city I'm researching, and is apparently spelled Chinquatera- but hey, I didn't write the list :-D)
2. Alvaro Siza (Architect)
3. Valerio Olgiati (Swiss Architect)
4. Michael Maltzan (Architect)
5. Paladio (Is he kidding?! Paladio IS early Italian architecture... this is going to be a loooong presentation!)
6. Peter Gluck (Architect)
7. Smith-Miller + Hawkinson (Firm)
8. Pete Bossley (Architect)
9. Randy Brown Architects (Firm)
I'll leave you all with a picture I googled of Chinquatera (also known as the Italian Riviera- Definitely going there!!):

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